Tuesday, 27 January 2015

UPSEE 2015 Form filling Procedure

The Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) is most likely to issue the application form for the UP State Entrance Examination(UPSEE) 2015 in the month of February 2015. UPSEE or the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination is conducted for admissions to degree level engineering institutions and various other professional colleges in the state of Uttar Pradesh.  Previously, the entrance examination was open only to students who have passed their qualifying examination from an institution located in the state of Uttar Pradesh. However, now students who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution outside the state of U.P can also appear for the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination, provided his/her parents are domiciled in the state of Uttar Pradesh. To be allowed to sit for the entrance test, students should fill in the UPSEE 2015 Application Form. Candidates have the option of submitting the UPSEE 2015 Application Form on-line or off-line. The on-line and off-line application procedure has been described in detail

Off-Line Application Form Submission Procedure

  • The off-line application form for UPTU 2015 can be filled up through designated Help Desks which will be set up across various cities. The list of help desks will be uploaded on the official website of UPTU.
  • After browsing through the list of help desks, candidates may report to one of the nearest help desks from where the UPTU 2015 Application Form can be obtained for free.
  • Once candidates have read through the eligibility requirements, they can proceed to fill in all the entries in the application form. Candidates should ensure that they are carrying two passport size photographs with them, which should be pasted in the specified place in the application form.
  • The UPSEE 2015 Application Form that has been duly filled in, can be submitted by the applicant at the same help desk.
  • Once the applicant has completed the necessary formalities at the help desk, he/she may proceed for payment of the examination fee. The examination fee can either be paid through Bank Challan or Debit card/Credit card.
  • After the examination fee has been deposited, applicants should report to the Help Desk to submit his/her Thumb Impression, Photograph and signature and collect the confirmation page of the application form.
  • While applicants can keep one copy of the 'Confirmation Page', the second copy of the confirmation page should be sent to the University.

On-Line Application Form submission process

  • The application form for UPSEE 2015 can be filled in online, through the official website of UPTU.
  • The first part will require candidates to fill up Personal details. Applicants may also be asked to provide a personal phone number and/or a personal email id.
  • After completing all the entries, candidates should review all the details that they have filled in before clicking on the 'Final Submit' button.
  • Candidates should note that once they have selected the 'Final Submit button, no changes or modifications can be made in the entries. Candidates are therefore advised to be doubly sure that all the entries have been filled in correctly. Applicants should also note down the Registration Number that will be generated on submission of the application form for the purpose of future correspondence.
  • Once submission of the form is complete, candidates can make payment of the examination fee through E-Challan or Debit card/Credit card.
  • The last step required of applicants is to upload scanned image documents of their Signature, Photograph and Thumb impression and print the Confirmation Page.

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