Friday, 5 December 2014

VIT University 2015 Admit Card Download process

Vellore Institute of Technology will issue the VITEEE 2015 Admit Card for candidates who have registered for the VIT Engineering Entrance Exam in the month of March 2015. The admit cards will not be send to any candidates by post. Candidates should therefore download the VITEEE 2015 Admit Card from the official website of VIT.

The VITEEE 2015 Admit Card is due to be issued by the Vellore Institute of Technology in the month of March 2015. The admit card will be issued only to those candidates whose applications has been accepted by the University. VITEEE 2015 will be conducted for admissions to various B.Tech programmes of VIT. The Computer Based Test will be held across 112 cities.

 Steps to Download VIT University 2015 Admit Card

1. To download the admit cards, applicants have to access the official website of VIT
2. Candidates should have completed test slot booking in order to download their VITEEE 2015 Admit Card. The online slot booking is due to start in the month of March 2015 tentatively and candidates will be able to download their admit cards only on completion of slot booking.
3. After booking the test slot, candidates can proceed to open the online window for download of the admit cards.
4. The download window will require candidates to enter their “Application Form Number” and Online Test Booking Password.
5. On clicking on the submit button, the VITEEE 2015 Admit Card will be auto-generated.
6. A print out of the admit card should be secured on an A-4 size sheet.
7. The information printed on the admit card, including the photograph of the candidate should be clearly visible.
8.If candidates find any discrepancies in their admit card, they should bring this to the notice of the c oncerned authorities of VIT University immediately.
9. The Admit card will disclose the e-Admit card number of the candidate, address of the test center, test date and time as selected by the candidate and photograph of the candidate.
10. Candidates should preserve the admit cards till the end of the admission/counselling session.
Any manual alterations made in the admit card will lead to direct disqualification of the candidate.
11. A copy of the e-Admit card will also be send to the registered email ID of the candidate.

Entrance Corner is an educational website which provides information regarding various engineering, medical, government and management entrance exams. Candidates can access for more relevant updates on the VIT University 2015 Admit Card Click Here

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