Friday, 26 December 2014

SNAP 2014 Result Merit List - Download Here

Symbiosis International University has released the notification regarding the SNAP 2014 Result. The result will be declared on 9 January 2015. On the basis of result, qualified candidates will be shortlisted for further admission procedures. Before moving on further details about result, let us first read about SNAP.

SNAP, or Symbiosis National Aptitude Test, is an annual exam for the admission in management studies. The exam is conducted by Symbiosis International University for admission in PG MBA courses offered by affiliated colleges under the University. It is a common and mandatory test for those who want to take admission in Symbiosis colleges.

The SNAP entrance exam was conducted on 21 December 2014. The SNAP 2014 Result will be released in the form of candidate's scores in the exam. Those who were successful in attaining the minimum cutoff marks, would be called for further recruitment process. The shortlisted candidates will  have to appear in personal interview & group discussion. These both exams will be conducted in February 2015.

SNAP 2014 Result can be downloaded by following these simple steps which are mentioned below:

1. To download the result, they have to visit the website of SNAP.
2. Search and click the link for checking the result.
3. Enter the details that are required in the form like their name, registration Id, birth date, etc. All this information will be available on their admit card.
4. Submit all these details. The result will appear on the screen. Download it and take a print out as well.
5. They must keep their result safe with them as it will be required at the time of other rounds of selection.

Other Important dates Related To SNAP 2014

Candidates can check the various important dates and events, linked with SNAP, in this section. We have already mentioned that the SNAP exam was held on 21 December 2014 and the admit card was issued on 6 December 2014. The SNAP 2014 Result will be declared on 9 January 2015.
Further dates for the following processes are not confirmed, therefore short listing of candidates for PI and WAT round will be done tentatively in January 2015. The Interview and WAT round with declaration of final merit list will be done in the month of February 2015.

Friday, 19 December 2014

How to fill UPTU 2015 online Registration

UPSEE 2015 Online Registration process, applicants can register themselves for the entrance exam conducted by Uttar Pradesh Technical University. Only registered applicants will be able to apply for the exam and take admission in the colleges. Therefore registering themselves is necessary to appear in the exam. In this article, we will be providing all the details on UPSEE 2015 Online Registration so that interested candidates can easily go through it.
UPSEE 2015 Online Registration

Online Registration will start in March 2015. Eligible candidates have to visit the website of UPSEE to register themselves for the exam. Ony correct information should be provided in the application form otherwise applications may be rejected. Hence, candidates are advise t take extra care while filling up the forms. For ease of candidates, we are hereby providing step by step process to complete their registration.

Steps to be followed in UPSEE 2015 Online Registration:

1. Visit the official website of UPSEE
2. Search and click on the link for UPSEE 2015 Online Registration
3. Read the guidelines or instruction provided before filling up the form
4. Enter all the details correctly
5. Applicants will be required to enter personal and educational details, contact number, Id, etc.
6. Recheck the details after completing the form
7. Submit the form by clicking on 'Submit' button.
8. A unique registration number will be allotted to the applicants which must be kept safe till the completion of admission process.
9. Submit the prescribed fees via challan form at any branch of Punjab National Bank.
10. Fees can also be paid via credit or debit card
11. Take print of the confirmation page
12. The UPSEE 2015 Online Registration fee is 1000/- for OBC and General category applicants whereas Females, SC and ST category applicants will have to pay 500/- as registration fees.
13. After completing all the steps mentioned above, the confirmation page must be sent to the following address:

Important And Useful Points

Till now, we have provided all the details for UPTU 2015 Online Registration so that candidates who are registering for the very first time will not encounter any hassle.  Still there are few small things that are normally overlooked by applicants:

1. Candidates must always keep the details ready with them. It will help them in reducing the mistakes and time consumption
2. They must always take the print out of their application form and fees receipt. One copy of both must be kept with the candidates, if in case it is required in future.
3. Candidates must also read the general instructions that are mentioned prior to filling the form.

Official Notification of UPSEE 2015 Exam is not yet released. Earlier, the same was issued in March 2014 hence it is expected that is will be released till March 2015.

Information Regarding UPSEE 2015 Exam check here

Armed force medical college 2015 Application Form details

Armed Forces Medical College is one of the topmost medical institute in India. It is well recognized as a center of distinction for research and learning. AFMC offers training to undergraduate and post graduate candidates of medical and nursing with a guaranteed career in defence field. At present, the institute is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. We have published this article to provide information about AFMC 2015 Application Form so that interested candidates can get complete details about the same

The important dates related to AFMC 2015 Application Form

  • Start of form filling procedure: April 2015
  • Last date for admission form registration:  May 2015
  • Last date for submitting online form: May 2015
  • Last date for submitting fees:     May 2015
  • They must only use their AIPMT roll number.
  • All the information filled in the form must be in capital letters.
  • They must read all the instructions very carefully.
AFMC 2015 Application Form Filling details

The details for filling the AFMC 2015 Application Form provided here is on the basis information available from previous year. If any amendments or changes are introduced in form filling process this year, then it will be notified by us here only.

Part 1: It includes candidate's registration or account generation after which they will be able to complete other parts of the form.
1. Create your login id and password. To do so, you have to visit the website of AFMC and click the link for admission. You will be directed to the new page.
2. On the right side of the page, click on 'login for UG'.
3. If the candidates are new, then they need to first register themselves. It can be done by clicking on new registration and entering all the details required there. Without registering, candidates will not be able to fill their AFMC 2015 Application Form.
4. Candidates must be very careful while entering your email id and roll number. If any email id is registered once, it cannot be used again to register the candidates. Moreover any updates related to the application form will also be sent to the registered email id.
5. After submitting all the details, a unique password will be generated. This password will be sent to the registered email id of the candidate.
6. They must change this password and for any further logging in process, only this id and password must be used.

Part 2: In this part of Application Form, candidates have to enter the qualification details of the candidates.
1. Applicants must be extra conscious while, filling this part of the application form. The details must be complete and correct in all respect.
2. Secondly, the selection of the candidate for interview will be based on the information provided in this part.
3. If you are waiting for your result then click the button accordingly.

part 3: candidates will have to fill all the personal details in AFMC 2015 Application Form.
1. Candidates must keep all the details ready in advance that might be required in the application form.
2. It is mandatory that the details filled by the candidates in the application form must be same as mentioned in their documents.
3. If any mistake is encountered in the form, then it may lead to the cancellation of the form.
4. Another important step that must be completed in this part is uploading your photo and signature.
5. Appropriate instructions have been provided in the form regarding the uploading of photo. Candidates must strictly follow these instructions while uploading these photos.
6. The maximum size allowed for the scanned copy of candidate’s photograph must be 500 KB.
7. After completing these steps, candidates must click on preview button. It will help them to see and check the complete form filled by them.

Only after the submission of AFMC 2015 Application Form, challan will be generated. This challan is required for payment of fees. To make fee payment, candidates must visit the nearest bank branch after registering online. They will have to pay 250/- as fees for the form including the bank charges as well.

Once paid, they must take the copy of their receipt and keep it safe with them till the completion of process. Candidates can apply online by filling the application form on the website of AFMC.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Know all about Joint Entrance Examination (main) 2015

JEE Main 2015 Exam is one of the most sought after entrance exam held in the country. The most prestigious engineering and technological institutes take admission through JEE Mains only. The entrance exam is conducted by CBSE every year to screen candidates for admissions in National Institute of Technology (NITs); Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITs)

JEE Main 2015 Exam will be held in both online as well as offline mode. There are two papers in JEE Mains Examination.  Paper 1 is held for admission to  B.E. /B/Tech. Programs while Paper 2 is meant for admission to the B.Arch./B.Planning courses.

The schedule of the examination is provided below-

1. JEE Main 2015  Online Exam -   Paper 1& Paper 2 - 10th April & 11th April, 2015
2. JEE Main 2015 - Offline Exam-   Paper 1  and Paper 2 -    4th April, 2015

Who can apply for JEE Main 2015 Exam  ?

There is a certain eligibility criteria specified by the examination committee. Every aspirant should know whether they are eligible to apply or not.  To know the eligibility conditions,the aspirants willing to  apply should at first download the information bulletin from the official website and then proceed to apply after ensuring themselves of their eligibility .

How to Apply ?

Each aspirant is supposed  to apply in online mode only i.e. through  official website of JEE Mains only. The  application process for JEE Main 2015 is on-going and will continue till 18th December,2014. It is important that candidates should submit their online applications on or before the stated deadline for the same.

Details of Application Fee

Unlike the application process which is solely online,  the application  fee can be paid in online or offline mode.   Candidates may opt any one of the  following modes for payment of fee -
  •  Net Banking
  • Debit cards/ Credit Cards
  • E-challan only. ( down-loadable from the official website)
To appear in offline exam of JEE Main, candidates must remit Rs. 1,000/- towards application fee
While, to appear for  JEE Main 2015 Exam in online mode, candidates are required to remit Rs. 600/- towards application fee

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Exam Details of BITSAT 2015

Birla Institute of Technology and Science is considered one of the deemed universities of the country. Huge number of applicants prefer this university for their higher education. It provides admission in 15 departments but mainly focus on UG engineering courses. Those who are interested for admission will have to fill the form and qualify the BITSAT 2015 Exam as well.

BITSAT 2015 Exam Eligibility Criteria:

Fulfilling the criteria of eligibility is must for each and every applicant otherwise they will not be considered eligible for the exam. The various conditions that must be fulfilled by the applicants to be eligible for BITSAT 2015 Exam are as follows:

  1. The applicants who are already admitted in any BITS campus will not be considered eligible for appearing in the exam.
  2. They must have passed class XII or equivalent  from any recognized board with these subjects as compulsory subjects:
  •  Mathematics,
  •  Physics, 
  •  Chemistry and 
  •  English.

3. Must have achieved minimum score of 75% aggregate (PCM+E) and minimum of 60% separately in PCM.
4. It is necessary to pass the examination in 2015, else he has to give a reason for gap, if the qualifying exam is passed in 2014.
5. If one is unable to provide the details of class XII final result before the last date, he/she will not be considered for admission.
6. Applicants those who have attempted class XII exam or equivalent more than once will be considered eligible IF they have undertaken it as full course.
7. If an applicant is a board topper, he will be given direct admission to the course of their choice, regardless of their score in BITSAT 2015 Exam.

BITSAT 2015 Exam- Application Form:

Application form for BITSAT 2015 Exam will be available only on the website of BITS. Filling the application form is mandatory and is considered first step to appear in the exam. It is quite necessary that the details mentioned in the application form are correct in all aspects.

The step by step process for filling and submitting the application form is given below:
1. Visit the website of BITSAT.
2. Click the link for application form and fill up the form correctly and completely.
3. Upload the required scanned images.
4. Submit the form and proceed for the fee payment.
5. Take print out after the process is completed. It may be required in the further processes.

BITSAT 2015 Application Form- Fee:

Without the payment of fees the applicants' form submission will not be considered complete. Hence they will have to pay the fees for the application. The details for the fees to be submitted by the applicants are:
  • Female applicants have to pay 1400/-.
  • Male applicants have to pay 1900/-.
  • Applicants those who want Dubai as their exam centre will have to submit US $ 50 extra for that.
  • It can be done via credit card/debit card or net banking as well.
BITSAT 2015 Exam Admit Card:

Admit card is very much important for BITSAT 2015. It will be released only for the applicants those who have submitted their application for exam successfully on time. It can be downloaded from the by following the steps mentioned below:

1. Visit the website of BITSAT and click the link for downloading the admit card.
2. Enter application number and other required details.
3. Submit the details.
4. The admit card will be visible on the screen.
5. Save it and take print out as well for future references.


The syllabus of BITSAT 2015 Exam includes the topics from which the questions will be asked in the exam. The syllabus for the exam constitutes of the topics from class XI and XII. It is decided by considering various factors.

Friday, 12 December 2014

How to Download WBJEE 2015 Admit Card

 WBJEE 2015 Admit Card will be released on officially in the first week of April,2015. The admit card will be available solely on the official website of WBJEE 2015. Candidates will have to download their admit card and bring the hard copy admit card to appear in the entrance test.

Candidates is expected to download the soft copy of their admit card and appear for the exam at the concerned examination centre alongwith the printed copy of the admit card.  It is essential to bring two identical photographs ( same as the one pasted on the confirmation page)

WBJEE 2015 Admit Card will have the photograph, signature of the candidate alongwith the particulars essential to appear for the exam. The snapshot of the details mentioned in the admit card is provided below-
  • Examination Centre allotted to the candidate
  • Time and Date of the Examination
  • Roll Number of the candidate
  • Name of the candidate
  • General Instructions to the candidates

Instructions to the candidates for downloading the WBJEE 2015 Admit Card -
  • The applicants should first log-on to the official website of WBJEE Board
  • Find the active link on the homepage hosted for downloading the WBJEE 2015 Admit Card
  • Click on the specified link
  • Enter application number, registration number, date of birth and Press SUBMIT
  • Your admit card will be displayed
  • You will see  the download option on the web-page and click.
  • Either save or print the admit card
  • Verify the details mentioned in the admit card and contact the concerned authorities in case of any error/misprint found.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

COMEDK 2015 Exam Preparation Details

COMEDK 2015 is scheduled to be conducted on 10 May 2015 in Karnataka. A deluge of candidates appear for the common entrance test conducted by the Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka for admissions to undergraduate medical, dental and engineering courses, every year. Students who are girding up their loins for the exam should ensure that they have drawn out a good strategic study plan. While there is always a fair amount of luck involved in cracking competitive entrance exams, there is also always plenty of preparation that students should do. Below, candidates are provided with a set of quick preparation tips to help them crack COMEDK 2015.

about the exam:

Before investing time in preparing for the exam, candidates should ensure that they methodically go through the important dates, schedule for the exam, the exam pattern and syllabus and then plan their study ahead. Understanding the scheme of the exam and key syllabus points will help candidates to outline a more favourable strategy of study.

Set Realistic Goals:

Setting down realistic goals is imperative while preparing for any competitive entrance examination. Candidates should sit down and carefully evaluate that how much time they have until the test date, consider their level of ability and the resources they have and then set achievable and modest goals. Candidates should ensure that they allot sufficient time to every section of the test. Candidates should invest more time in sections in which they think they may be weaker.

Create a Support Group:

Creating a Support Group will make the exam preparation struggle less onerous. Through a support group, students preparing for the same exam can share various coping strategies and help in providing relevant information to each other.

Take Mock Tests:

Candidates preparing for COMEDK UGET 2015 should devote a fair amount of time to solving full fledged mock tests. This will help candidates to understand the intricacies of the exam. The biggest setback that most candidates face when appearing for competitive entrance examinations is that they find it very difficult to complete the exam within the allotted time.By undertaking mock tests, candidates can understand how fast they have to work on each question

SRM University 2015 Application Form Submission process details

SRMJEEE 2015 Application Form is available on the official website of SRM University  Interested candidates can avail the  online application form through the official website while the  application form in the physical form can be availed from selected banks/post office/ campus of the SRM University. 

SRM University, Tamil Nadu has started the application process on 3rd November,2014 for admission to the various undergraduate and post-graduate courses at its Kattankulathur, Ramapuram Part II -Vadapalani and NCR Ghaziabad. The applicants will be screened through an entrance test to held in April, 2015. Interested candidates willing to get admission in the B.E/B.Tech courses in the SRM University are required to fill the SRMEEE 2015 Application Form.

Fee details of SRMJEE 2015

The application fee of worth Rs. 900/ shall be paid by all the candidates in either Online Mode or by way of Demand-Draft.

Application Form can be availed in the following modes

1.  Online Mode

2.  In Person Mode/Offline

Online Mode

Students should visit the website of SRM University to avail the online application form. The applicants will have to register and provide the details regarding their name, email id, date of birth and mobile number
Once, candidates have entered the details, the applicants will have to make payment of the  application fee through online or prepaid Unique Voucher Code to successfully submitting the application form.

 In Person Mode

Last but the least is the In-person mode where in the candidates may avail the SRMEEE 2015 Application Form  by visiting any one of the  Selected Post Offices or selected branches of any of the following bank- Axis Bank, City Union Bank, Indian Bank, Karur Vysya Bank, State Bank of India or from any of the SRM University campus against cash payment of the prescribed application fee. The candidates must ensure that the duly filled-in application form should  be sent to the university office on or before specified deadline.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

How to prepare for vit university entrance exam

Candidates are provided with a preparation strategy for VITEEE 2015 in this article. The VIT Engineering Entrance Exam is a pre engineering test conducted by VIT University for admissions to undergraduate engineering courses. Candidates can adopt these preparation tips to crack VITEEE 2015.

 VIT University is a highly reputed institute for higher education in South India. The University draws students from over 50 countries as well as different states in India.Admissions to undergraduate engineering courses of the University will entirely be based on candidates’ scores in the VIT Engineering Entrance Exam.

VITEEE 2015 is known to be notoriously competitive with a huge number of applicants pouring in for the entrance exam every year. This article provides aspirants with a solid preparation strategy to help them tide over the stiff competition and crack VIT 2015 with ease.

VITEEE 2015 Preparation Tips

  1. Know Your Exam Well: Aspirants should ensure that they are conversant with the syllabus of the exam and the exam pattern before they can move on to plan their study.
  2. Weigh your Strengths and Weaknesses: Students should start by weighing their strong and weak areas. Questions asked in VITEEE 2015 will include concepts from the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The syllabus for the exam will be as per the CBSE syllabus and the syllabus of the Tamil Nadu State Board of Higher Secondary Education. Candidates should make a subject-wise study of all the topics as per the syllabi and carefully analyze the areas in which they are lagging. Students should then make a determined effort to improve in these areas.
  3. Make a Study Plan: Well Planned is half done! Students’ should make a weekly study plan. Revision of a fixed number of topics should be done every week so that the syllabus is completed in time. Devoting a few hours to systematic study every day can help candidates beat unnecessary stress.
  4. Rely on Proper References: Students should refer a few standard books which have all the relevant information, rather than resort to multiple books for reference. NCERT Books are highly recommended for their simple explanation of fundamental concepts.
  5. Maintain Notes: A well-kept notebook with important notes is essential for just-before-test-reviewing. With systematic notes, students can review all the important points within just a fraction of the time that may be required to reread or review the entire study material.
  6. Practice and Revise: Practice and frequent revision has its own rewards. Concepts can be perfected and information can be retained better with constant practice and revision.

Friday, 5 December 2014

VIT University 2015 Admit Card Download process

Vellore Institute of Technology will issue the VITEEE 2015 Admit Card for candidates who have registered for the VIT Engineering Entrance Exam in the month of March 2015. The admit cards will not be send to any candidates by post. Candidates should therefore download the VITEEE 2015 Admit Card from the official website of VIT.

The VITEEE 2015 Admit Card is due to be issued by the Vellore Institute of Technology in the month of March 2015. The admit card will be issued only to those candidates whose applications has been accepted by the University. VITEEE 2015 will be conducted for admissions to various B.Tech programmes of VIT. The Computer Based Test will be held across 112 cities.

 Steps to Download VIT University 2015 Admit Card

1. To download the admit cards, applicants have to access the official website of VIT
2. Candidates should have completed test slot booking in order to download their VITEEE 2015 Admit Card. The online slot booking is due to start in the month of March 2015 tentatively and candidates will be able to download their admit cards only on completion of slot booking.
3. After booking the test slot, candidates can proceed to open the online window for download of the admit cards.
4. The download window will require candidates to enter their “Application Form Number” and Online Test Booking Password.
5. On clicking on the submit button, the VITEEE 2015 Admit Card will be auto-generated.
6. A print out of the admit card should be secured on an A-4 size sheet.
7. The information printed on the admit card, including the photograph of the candidate should be clearly visible.
8.If candidates find any discrepancies in their admit card, they should bring this to the notice of the c oncerned authorities of VIT University immediately.
9. The Admit card will disclose the e-Admit card number of the candidate, address of the test center, test date and time as selected by the candidate and photograph of the candidate.
10. Candidates should preserve the admit cards till the end of the admission/counselling session.
Any manual alterations made in the admit card will lead to direct disqualification of the candidate.
11. A copy of the e-Admit card will also be send to the registered email ID of the candidate.

Entrance Corner is an educational website which provides information regarding various engineering, medical, government and management entrance exams. Candidates can access for more relevant updates on the VIT University 2015 Admit Card Click Here

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

AIPMT 2015 conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education

The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct the All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance exam for admissions to undergraduate medical courses. AIPMT is a national level entrance exam conducted as per the directives of the Supreme Court of India, for the 15% merit positions in various Medical and Dental colleges of India. The participating institutes of AIPMT include Banaras Hindu University, Jamia Hamdard,the Armed Force Medical Services and the University of Delhi. AIPMT 2015 is scheduled to be conducted on 3 May, 2015. The medical entrance exam will be conducted in selected states only. Candidates who wish to appear for the entrance exam can fill in the application forms through the online application window. The online application window for AIPMT 2015 is due to open in December, 2015. Important aspects of the All India Medical Entrance exam has been summarized here, for the reference of AIPMT aspirants.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Nationality: Indian citizens or candidates with Overseas citizenship of India are eligible to apply.
  • Age Limit:The lower age limit for candidates is 17 years and the upper age limit is 25 years. Candidates from SC/ST/OBC categories will be given a 5 year relaxation in the upper age limit.
  • Educational Qualification: Candidates should have passed Class X and XII from a recognized board with English,Physics, Chemistry,Biology and Maths or any other optional subjects in the qualifying examination. Applicants should have also secured a minimum of 50% marks in PCB in the qualifying examination. For SC/ST/OBC candidates the minimum qualifying percentage is 40%.

Application Forms:

Candidates can fill in the application Forms for AIPMT 2015 via AIPMT official website. The online mode of application is the only accepted mode for submission of the application forms. The online application window is due to open in December, 2015. Applicants can access the online application window via Candidates will also have to make payment of the processing fee. After completing the form filling process, candidates have to take a printout of the completed application form and send it to the AIPMT office along with necessary enclosures such as their passport size photograph,thumb impression and signature.

                                     Candidates who have registered successfully for All India Medical entrance exam, can download their AIPMT 2015 admit cards from the official website by logging in with their AIPMT Registration Number and password.

Exam Pattern:

  • The All India Medical Entrance Exam will be conducted in the offline mode.
  • The entrance exam will cover concepts from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology.
  • The duration of the exam will be for 3 hours and the questions will be of multiple choice type.
  • Candidates will have to attempt a total of 180 questions.
  • Candidates will be awarded a maximum of 4 marks for every correct answer and negative marking will be applicable for wrong answers.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Check Here KVPY Previous Year cutoff

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojna is for motivating the young talent of the country for working in science and research field. It is organized by IISc, i.e., Indian Institute of Science situated in Bangalore. The exam was conducted on 2 November 2014 and the candidates those who qualify the exam as per the KVPY 2014 Cutoff Marks and perform well in the interview might get selected for the scholarship program.

KVPY 2014 Cutoff Marks, Score

All the candidates those who succeed in scoring marks more than or just equal to KVPY 2014 Cutoff will qualify for the next round. These eligible candidates will only be considered for scholarship by Dept. of Science and Technology of Indian government.
In general there is not much fluctuation in the cutoff marks as compared to that of the previous years'. Therefore we are hereby providing the table of the cutoff marks of previous year so that candidates can have the idea of the KVPY Previous year Cutoff marks

Stream SA Cutoff –
Cutoff Marks
Total Marks
Stream SB Cutoff –
Cutoff Marks
Total Marks
Stream SX Cutoff –
Cutoff Marks
Total Marks

The KVPY exam consists of two exam, one is known as MAT, i.e., Mental Ability Test and another is called SAT, i.e., Scholastic Ability Test. The SAT will be containing the questions from language comprehension as well. Since the exam is conducted at a reputed level therefore it is conducted in every Union Territory and states of the country.

The first goal of the candidate must be to score marks as per the criteria decided for KVPY 2014 Cutoff, otherwise they will not be allowed for further process in any circumstances.

The details for the amount of scholarship provided at different levels to the candidates are as follows:
The KVPY 2014 Cutoff Marks will be decided by the officials related to the program after considering various factors decided to the exam, therefore there is no space for any wrong result by the officials. Based on the tables provided above candidates can note down all the important and useful information for them.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Amrita University 2015 Application Form Submission Details

Amrita University is accredited 'A' by NAAC. It is one of the top universities in the field of research. Every year huge number of candidates appear in the exam. For appearing in exam they will have to fill the application form. Therefore the candidates who want to appear in entrance exam of 2015 must fill Amrita University 2015 Application Form accordingly.

They can fill the application form on the website of university. It will be available till 23 March 2015 and the form can be send till 25 March 2015. Candidates can take admission in various engineering colleges and engineering courses available to them.

Amrita University 2015 Application Form:

In 2015 the exam will be organized on 25 April. The Amrita University 2015 Application Form can be filled via website of university and offline as well but the exam will be conducted via offline or paper-pen mode only. The complete step by step procedure for filling the application form is given here:

1. Visit the website of university and click the link for filling the application form
2. Fill in all the details in the form
3. Submit the form by clicking the form
4. Make fees payment
5. Take a copy of application form
6. No application form will be considered completed without the fees payment

Things to Ponder:

Candidates must remember few points while filling the AEEE 2015 Application Form so that there is no reason for cancellation or rejection of their form.

  • Each and every information filled in the form must be correct in all aspects.
  • No field must be left empty.
  • They must read all the general instructions and required eligibility criteria before filling the form.
  • Any incorrect details about the candidates may lead to the cancellation of candidate's application form.
  • They must not forget to take a print out of the form.

Know More Details About Amrita university 2015 click Now

Saturday, 18 October 2014

MU OET Medical 2015 Result, Merit list

Manipal University will be issuing MU OET Medical 2015 Result in the end of May or starting of June next year. MU OET Medical 2015 will be conducted for admission of applicants into medical courses offered by Manipal University.

MU OET Medical 2015 Result:

MU OET Medical 2015 Result will be containing marks scored by the applicants in exam. University will be releasing it on the official website and applicants can access it by entering the information required there. Applicants can check their result by following the steps below.
  • Visit the website of MU OET 2015
  • Click the tab for ‘MU OET Medical 2015 Result’
  • Enter and confirm all the necessary information required there
  • Now applicant's result will be displayed on the screen

Use of Result:

Applicants are advised to download and secure their result safely. Sets will be allotted only as per the result. A merit list will be announced as well along with the result containing the names of the applicants who will qualify written exam and will score more than or equal to cut off to secure a position in merit list.

In the merit list names of applicants will be arranged in increasing order of their of their rank. They will be called for counselling on the basis of this rank and seat will be allotted seat according to rank. Applicants placed at the top of merit list will be preferred for seat allotment. Hence, they will easily be able to take admission in desired course and college. Those who will be at the bottom of merit list might have to compromise with their choice for college and course. Applicants are therefore advised to prepare better and achieve as much marks as they can.

Candidates must keep their MU OET Medical 2015 Result safe with them as it is the only proof of candidate's performance in the exam.

Tag : MU OET Medical 2015 Answer Key

Friday, 17 October 2014

MU OET Medical 2015 Application Form, online Registration - Apply online

Candidates interested for admission in one of the deemed University of the country, i.e., Manipal University must first fill application form for the same. Manipal University Medical 2015 Application Form must be filled by the candidates aspiring admission in medical courses offered by this University. This article has been published so that candidates can gather information about the application form.

MU OET Medical 2015 Application Form:

The University has not released any official notification for the exam but the last date for filling the MU OET Medical 2015 Application Form is 11 March 2015. The application form will be available via online and offline mode as well. Candidates can either purchase it from SBI branch or can also download the form and post it to the University.

We are here providing the method for filling the MU OET Medical 2015 Application Form via online mode. Candidates can simply follow these steps and complete their application:

1. Visit the page of Manipal University.
2. Search and click the kink for application form.
3. Enter the details required there.
4. Make fees payment and submit the request after verifying details.

For filling the application form after downloading it, candidates will have to download it from the website of University and send the form with a DD of 1000/- to the University.

To purchase the MU OET Medical 2015 Application Form from the bank, candidates will have to check the list of banks in which the form is available and purchase it simply by paying the fees.

Fees Payment Methods:

Same like application form, fees can also be paid via online and offline mode. Details for both are as follows:

  • For filling the MU OET Medical 2015 Application Form fees via online mode, candidates will be having options like net banking/ credit card/ debit card, etc, whereas
  • For filling the fees via offline mode, they will simply have to send a DD to 'Manipal University' and payable at "Udupi" or "Manipal".
  • In any case candidates will have to make payment of 1000/- and no relaxation will be there for any group or community.